Remote Sensing Consultancy (Satellite Image Analysis)

Star Vision has more than 14 years of experience in remote sensing analysis for land cover analysis, land use mapping, habitat distribution mapping, water feature identification, pollution assessment, forest fire mapping, urbanization mapping and flooding analysis. Using infrared and radar signals from the satellites in space, Star Vision can provide geographic information for decision-makers, planners, developers and engineers on various information (seen or unseen) on and under ground. The satellite image analysis is a kind of space technology using advanced spatial statistical and image processing technique, to classify and delineate ground features with remote sensing tools and expert knowledge. With a Chartered Land Surveyor in the company, Star Vision provides high precision and reliable information for decision-makers with satellite image analysis reports and maps.

Topography, with location and height information, can be extracted with a pair of satellite images. Satellite image provides a new map style, with full picture of the geographical feature at precise scale, for distance measurement, area computation and orientation navigation. As the distributors of several international satellite image consortiums in Hong Kong and Guangzhou, Star Vision provides satellite image with resolution at 1m to 100m on ground. The resolution represents the smallest identifiable unit on ground. Objects as small as a car or a house can be identified by satellite image on ground. The company also provides remote sensing software system for clients who would like to set up similar system and department in their office. Star Vision provides training and technology transfer on this technology.

Star Vision Advanced Image Classification

Star Vision provides advanced satellite image and air photo classification than normal professional image classification. As PCI and IKONOS supplier, Star Vision using advanced space technology and artificial intelligence technology to provide much high accuracy ground feature detection in satellite image or air photo information source. The following examples are the results of the technologies for IKONOS satellite image classificaiton.